Anon Imperfect Mum


Where do you take your child to get checked for ADHD?

My child is struggling in class, easily distracted. Doesn't pay attention, calls out in class and paces the class room and won't sit still for long period of times.

He's the same at home when you're trying to have a conversation with him and he doesn't listen.
He's 9 by the way.
I've also caught he a few times laying oddly, to which he says he finds it comfortable.

Posted in:  Kids

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

It certainly sounds like neurodivergent traits he's displaying (likely ADHD or autistic or both). You need to get a referral to to paed who can manage the process from there. We're investigating ADHD and autism for my 11yo at the moment. Our paed has done questionnaires for ADHD and then referred us to a psychologist for the autism assessments. I will warn you that in most areas the wait times to get in at the moment are long and lots of clinics and specialists have closed their books. Keep pushing for someone though, the sooner you have a diagnosis, the sooner you can help your child navigate life as themselves.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Paediatrician. School may have one, private or get a letter from school and go to gp and get a referral for public. First speak to your teacher and HOSES who will help with next step.

Casey Spencer

I was ignored for so long, so the school helped me, by having the school councilor do a basic assessment. After that I got a referral to a pead, and a child counsellor. The councillor did the full assessment so by the time I got to the pead, Which was around 8month, all the hard part was done, and we went right to med trial

Anon Imperfect Mum

I saw the gp first for referral to pead and psychologist. He was diagnosed by the pead first then the psychologist (they do a test with psychologist to determine, it’s a few hundred dollars). I had letters from the school detailing his behaviour etc
