Help please!
Which Australian brand head lice treatments actually work? Our daughter picked up head lice from school for the first time a few months ago and nothing we do seems to be working. Given how often it’s reoccurring I don’t believe she’s picking it up constantly, it must be the egg cycle that’s just not dying/we’re not getting ahead of. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Head lice
Head lice
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10 Replies
Which ones have you used? Sometimes lice develop a resistance to certain brands.
Are you making sure you are thoroughly combing them out? It’s a tedious but necessary step.
Does she actually have lice, hilariously my mum thought my sister had lice a few times, and treated her. It wasn’t until she saw actual lice on another kids hair that she realised my sister never had them 🤣
None of them. They kill live lice but they don't kill the eggs, that's why you seem to end up with this never ending cycle.
I straight up refuse to spend $25 on products that don't really do anything.
Cheap conditioner, a fine tooth comb and a hell of a lot of patience and persistence is all you need!
Smother damp hair in conditioner, let it sit for 10ish mins so any live lice get all subdued and lubricated (lol). Comb meticulously section by section focusing heavily on the crown of the head, above the neck and behind the ears (nits like the warmer spots), I use my nails to slide out the eggs that are too fine for the comb.
Rinse, braid or plat hair, repeat this process every day for at least a week (I usually do this for 2 weeks to be extra sure).
Change her pillow case daily as well while you're in this process, same with towels, hats etc. People say lice can't live away from the head but I had my SILs kids visit me once and I found several live lice crawling across my couch 5 to 6 hours after they left 🤮
Those little suckers are resilient!
Just to add -
When you're combing, wipe the comb on some tissues or paper towel so you can see what you've just combed out. Eventually you'll be combing out nothing.
It's just a good way to see if you're making progress.
Any of the medicated ones from pharmacy. You have to redo it in two weeks. And then use tea tree or hairspray to keep them out.
Over the years my kids have battled a few head lice infestations, and I found the most effective method to be conditioner and a lice comb. I was combing every second day until eventually I found none. Then in a week I combed again to check. I make a head lice prevention spray with tea tree oil and water which I found on google. I spray it in their hair before school.
I use the Moov one, in the green box and they’ve been fantastic. I treat once and comb through then re do 2 weeks later and it’s all gone by the second one. It’s usally a precaution that I do it twice. Also they do a spray you can put in before school. I like it coz you can get it in the shampoo which makes it easier tii. Now my heads itching lol
I use conditioner.
I then painstakingly divide hair into tiny sections and pull them Out on by one.
My kids hair is white blonde so when it’s wet they are quite easy to see. The metal combs were not affective went straight past them.
Then I dry hair off and straighten it with a hair straightener. Then 1 week later I checked again.
We have had nits in our house 2 18months apart no re infections. And no one else in the house caught them just the one child.
We use Quitnits, Nitwits or Moov treatment. Treat , comb and repeat in 7 days. We also use a headlice defence spray daily.
If you get really desperate, like we did, you can get a script from the doctor that gets rid of them. We literally tried everything on the market, as well as Coca-Cola, listerine and every other home redemdy I could google. It was a nightmare for over a year. The medication was a God send.
None! I second the conditioner & metal comb treatment then You literally have to pick the eggs off the hair 1 by 1 with your fingers. I used to use a hair straightener too, I tried everything!