Im a mum of two, married and happy.
love animals, love camping, hairdresser and hospitality background, introvert yet friendly and chatty.
I want to do something MORE, more rewarding, more important, I want to feel like im giving back, whether it be in my career or voluntary.
I don’t need recognition, im not doing it for that. I just feel like I want to put more out to the world but I have no idea how or what.
I only work casual, so there’s room to add something else!?
I haven’t the spare money to invest in study or experiences, but whatever I do I would give 100%
Any ideas what I’m missing in my life?
Cos I’ve got no damn clue I just know I want to change or do something MORE!
Or I’d love to hear other people’s experiences to give me ideas!?
Thanks so much x
4 Replies
Find your local volunteer jobs website, you will be surprised by the jobs on there.
Really interesting stuff like marketing, working at the museum, toy library etc.
It might spark an interest in something, even a new career, or at a minimum, you're doing interesting stuff and helping your community.
I commend you for your civic attitude, it's awesome :)
Thankyou! I have volunteered at op shops in the past and have just signed up to RSPCA to see if I can get in there x
I will look up the volunteering site
I felt like this the last few years and now I'm doing community services/Youth work at tafe. So many career options at the end, I love that there's not just one career at the end of it like nursing or beauty, the range is huge which suits me because I change my mind about what I want to do all the time. Right now I've decided to go on with a counselling/community services diploma next year then go into child protection. Search community service jobs on seek to get an idea of the jobs you can get out of a cert IV. Best thing about it was it was free this year, not sure about next year.
I feel exactly the same! I am taking advantage of the fee free courses at TAFE at the moment to try and change career to something that is more in a field that I will find rewarding (for me that is a community services diploma). If you are a hairdresser could you volunteer for the cancer council and the ponytail project? I am also dedicating some time to this cause this year! I hope you find your fit in something that fulfills you 😊