
Anon Imperfect Mum


I have failed as a parent.

Back ground, I was in a dv relationship with my ex, he did everything but physically hit me. He is a narcissist, I didn’t know what that even was until we went to couples therapy to help with “all my issues”. After our first session. I was contacted and asked to come back urgently for a private one on one session with the therapist, and was advised not to mention it to my now ex. In the one on one session the therapist told me that after our first session (where my ex answered all the questions even the ones directed to me) that he feared for my safety, offered to take me to the police station to file for a dvo and that he would arrange safe accommodation for my son and I. - not fully understanding that I wasn’t the problem as I had been told that for years, I stupidly declined, and said I wasn’t in therapy to pull my family apart, I was there to fix my problems so we could all be together.

Since ending the relationship 8 years ago (3 years after therapy), my ex has regularly given my son his opinion on me and my family, which isn’t very nice, thinks we are toxic. He would reward my son for behaving just like he had towards me and my son now 16, is well on the way to being a narcissist. Even though I’ve spent thousands on therapy for him over the past 8 years, to help him through all of this.

My son lies, he tries to manipulate situations, when caught out he act like he has no clue what I (or teachers for that matter) are talking about. He blames everything on everyone else, it’s always someone else fault. He steals.

My son and I literally can’t have a conversation where he doesn’t try turning it into an argument, there’s no need for it. The mental abuse I get from him is really taking its toll, it’s just like I’m back in the relationship with my ex.

I went to a meeting with the school today as I had concerns about some absentees and emails from some of the teachers, only to find out that, at almost the end of term1 my son has done next to no school work, I’m always told oh I did that assessment on the computer at school so I have nothing to go on until I’m emailed that something hasn’t been handed in, which is not very often, he is failing 4 out of 6 classes, the other 2 classes interim results weren’t in yet. My sons reason for this, the teachers won’t sit with me and help me do it for the whole class. He is not stupid and certainly doesn’t need his has held. He’s choosing to game on his phone or the computer.

I contacted my ex about todays meeting and his grades and lack of school work, so that he was aware of where we were at, he told our son, that teachers are all cookie cutters reading out of the same book, that it wasn’t our sons fault that they don’t know how to teach him. I was absolutely in disbelief, that my ex blamed the teachers for our son choosing to game in class time, and not even attempt to do any work. From then on all attempts to try and work out a plan on how to fix the issue, came back to well it’s not my fault the teachers are all cookie cutters and can’t teach me. Which of course lead to an argument between me and my son, and my ex blaming me for not having me shit together.

I have failed to the point that I asked my ex about having a serious conversation about our son move in with him as he has alway fobbed this off in the past. He basically blamed me for our sons behaviour, laughed at me and said well don’t blame me when your son wants nothing to do with you and you haven’t heard from him in years, he lives on the other side of the country and I know once my son is gone, I will probably never see him again.

I can’t parent my son any longer. . .I failed 😢

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt

5 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

You didn’t fail, you were in an abusive relationship. You poor mum.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Get him professional help and speak to them on your own and let them know all this. I think time go leave school get a job or apprenticeship, it might help him.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Maybe professional help together, let your feelings out in a safe place without judgment, so he can see your emotions and they can explain things to him that he doesn’t understand about his dad in a non judgemental way. So you both have support and he can see how much you care about him and love him.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Look at getting him into an apprenticeship.I think being around grown men and showing him the way in life will help him immensely. Look at the options for him to leave school to enter into an apprenticeship. You didn’t fail and you are still being an amazing mum reaching out on here.

Anon Imperfect Mum

No you did not fail. My narcissistic ex is doing the same thing. He took my eldest and now my eldest is back and gradually improving their behaviour. The amount of gaslighting I copped from them. It is called 'abuse by proxy' and of course 'parental alienation'. He accuses me of the very things he is doing.

All I can recommend is to be consistently yourself. Narcissists use kindness against an empath but they do not truly understand it. It is actually a strength.

Sit and talk to your son and when he blames you, simply respond with "I'm sorry you feel that way. It must be hard to think those things of me." Do not go into the defensive rant. Do not admit fault. Then move on to "we have a problem and how do you think we could try to fix this". If he rejects your help or acts angrily respond with "obviously you do not want to talk about this right now as you are too upset. I will wait for you to calm down and we can discuss this later". Then walk away.

Narcissists rely on throwing you off kilter and backing you into a corner. Then when you react they label you as 'crazy' and that is called 'reactive abuse'. Do not let them throw you off. Do not immediately respond to texts or anything unless you are emotionally regulated. They rely upon you wanting to defend yourself and immediately responding because you are triggered. MAKE THEM WAIT. If they text you and you are upset, walk away, have a shower, go for an angry walk until you feel calm. They probably would have sent another 20 by the time you get back to them and then you respond with very brief responses, to the point and without emotion! 😉

You've got this. One day your son will wake up and look for his mum. Just stay true to yourself and do not allow this man to destroy your empathy/kindness. It is your strength 💕
