Would any Queensland teacher aides/assitants be willing to share their hourly rate? If you are public or private and how you like your job?
Im looking at studying cert 4 in education support and having a change of career, but i dont know anyone that works in education support that i could ask. Thank you.
3 Replies
Not very much around $26-28 per hour in the public system.
Look up the award for your state it will have it all on there. There would be different levels and types. Example level one will be lower than level 4, then you have your special needs, aboriginal ea, home ec etc which all pay higher. Usually doesn't matter if it's public or private they use the same award. The levels go up with each year of experience you have, first year level 1, second year level 2
$31.80/hr in a private school in Qld. We only work term time and the majority of us average our pays over the 52 weeks. I absolutely love my job! I work in middle school with students who need extra support.