Numb Vagina

Anon Imperfect Mum

Numb Vagina

Hi ladies. I don't even know where to begin so I guess I'll just say it. My vagina is numb. I don't know when it went numb or if it always has been. I've always wondered why people thoroughly enjoy sex. Maybe become they don't have a numb vagina.
I have a weak pelvic floor, and an over active bladder. I've had one child 8 years ago.
Lately I have noticed it is numb. I've done a finger test and i don't feel anything. I've pinched inside and nothing. I've scratched the ribbing at the opening and I can't feel it.
I guess this is why I don't enjoy sex and never reach a good orgasm. When I have sex all I can feel is my bladder being pushed on.
What is wrong with me. I don't have a partner so I don't need to worry about sex. But again what is wrong with me. Why can't I feel anything. Am I ruined for life. I'm to embarrassed to talk to my gp, my friends even my sister.
Has any one ever experienced this. Does sensation come back?
Thank you for listening. Please kind words.

Posted in:  Mental Health, Self Care, Sisterhood Stories, Health & Wellbeing

5 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

It would more than likely be to do with the nerves in that area and the prolapse. You need to see a gp and a gyno. I am just guessing but any numbness needs to be assessed. It may be caused by the prolapsed pressure on the nerves. I am no Dr though and could be completely wrong.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Please don’t be embarrassed. Being embarrassed by going to a Dr who sees these things and more daily, could cost people their lives. It’s so hard and things are so embarrassing and it’s awkward but we have to keep reminded ourselves that this is nothing to them and it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. You will be ok. Maybe to make it less embarrassing, you could say that you pelvic area down below feels numb and you have a prolapse, could this be causing it. They are very good at being discreet, so you don’t feel awkward and embarrassed.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Did you have a c-section at all? I get total numbness, but it comes and goes. I go numb from naval to down there alot. Some times lightning shots. It's nerve damage

Anon Imperfect Mum

Sounds like damaged nerve endings. Or are you on any medication?

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'm pretty certain there aren't many nerve endings inside the vagina. Its made to be pounded by a penis or birth a child, it's not a very sensitive area. Rekon i could pinch mine too without issue.
The good sensations come when you play around. Soft touches on your skin, steamy kisses...
Most women only orgasm through cliterol stimulation. If you have a vibrator and you can't get aroused using it, then see a gp. But maybe don't be too alarmist just yet. I got a little overly concerned about a prolapse not long ago, was an expensive process to find out it was mild and manageable.
