Your go to’s for relaxing? I need to destress

Anon Imperfect Mum

Your go to’s for relaxing? I need to destress

I’m always tense, tight, sore and my head hurts physically and mentally. My body seems to always be in fight or flight mode, even when I don’t realise. What are your go to’s for relaxing? What do you do? Something that you might eat perhaps that is good for the brain/body? Supplements? Anything you recommend to do will be appreciated. Thankyou

Posted in:  Mental Health, Self Care, Health & Wellbeing

7 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

A very hot bath/shower, followed by going straight to bed and watching a show that slowish and quiet.

Otherwise slow gentle yoga, in a darkened comfortably warm room. Followed by a guided meditation. The yoga didn’t work for me at the start, but has really worked long term. I don’t do ‘gym’ yoga, I found a really nice body positive gentle yoga.

Reading a book with a glass of wine.

Putting a hot water bottle on the back of my neck, putting my feet up and reading or watching a show.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Oh and facials ! A good facial always relaxes me.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Binaural beats. They're on Spotify, YouTube etc.

Anon Imperfect Mum

This is me day in day out 🥲 it’s so hard being in pain all the time. My poor kids today, I’ve been snapping at them and cranky without meaning too. I have baths all the time and take magnesium. Cut our sugar and gluten. Get full bloods done and check your vitamin B’s mine was low and I e needed injections. Regular massage helps. I got private Health extras for $11 a week so I can massages cheaper.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Massages, night candles, fairy lights, scented mood reeds, gentle music, fish tanks, comedy TV shows, homemade stovetop soup, gentle breathing exercises, pilates, scented body creams, crisp bed sheets, a bedroom fan on low, bubble baths, affirmations & mantras, daily multi-vitamins, hot cocoa, freshly baked bread , warm sox, fluffy slippers, cosy dressing gowns, flanny pyjamas, plush pliiows, heat packs, float beds, gentle walks, or the comfortable company of quiet friends.

In extreme cases, all of the above with a valium ( if your doctor allows)

There's more, but these are some of my favourite things.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Scalp massages are THE BOMB ! Gotta try a long one!

Zoe Lawler

Ashwaganda and magnesium vitamins, I also do yoga, grounding techniques, the window breathing and I listen to guided meditation to fall asleep also comfort movie/shows harry potter for me.
