Facial sweating

Anon Imperfect Mum

Facial sweating

I am 54 and am mostly over the old menopause. Just the occasional hot flush that happens in the evening and I had very mild menopause symptoms.
What has been happening with me the last year or so is that I'm out and about, it happens when I have a change of environment going from a cool place to somewhere warmer. I will notice a little foggy spot on my glasses then I'll feel a little like prickly feeling in my hairline, my face will go bright red and sweat will start streaming down my face like every pore is crying. I am not sweating in any other area of my body. It only lasts a few mins but it's totally humiliating in my eyes because I am a size 20 and don't want to be that fat sweaty person. I've had to buy a neck fan for while I am at work because it can happen a few times at work per shift and I work customer service. I have bought previously a face sweat roll on and a gel but they make my face feel stiff and sticky and don't work their best. Can anyone recommend anything to help except Botox.

Posted in:  Self Care, Health & Wellbeing

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Weight loss may help, and a change of diet. I'm 50 and haven't had menopause symptoms and ive been in menopause since 46. I believe its because of my strict ketogenic diet and keeping to a healthy weight .
