Becoming a teacher

Anon Imperfect Mum

Becoming a teacher

I'm thinking of doing a teaching degree, most likely primary school but open to consider high school... I would be 45 when I finish so still lots of working years left in me. I work in admin now and this is a job I definitely don't want to be doing in 5 let alone 20 years... I'm so bored with it! I've spoken to some people I know who are teachers but hoping others could share their experiences being a teacher, do u like it?? And those that became a teacher later in life, are you glad you did it? Also do you prefer primary or high school teaching and why? Thank you.

Posted in:  Self Care, Health & Wellbeing, Education

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

No chance in hell would o go back and do teaching again if I knew what I know now having been a teacher for nearly 20 years!
You will have to work up to 60 hours a week in your first few years. … the time outside the classroom is ridiculous.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I started my teaching degree at 30 and finished at 35. I was at uni with loads of people in their 40s.
Teaching in the current climate is a really tough gig, do I regret it, no, it has afforded me and my family a lot of luxuries we would never have had.
Good admin team is everything, behaviours right now are BAD. Lots of violence and verbal abuse. The teaching shortage is critical and that is impacting schools right now.

I LOVE teaching, unfortunately right now there is a lot not to love. Behaviours, feeling unsafe because of behaviours, and just the sheer feeling of failure because we can’t cater to the kids that are there to learn,

Absolutely worth doing the degree, but be aware it’s not peaches and rainbows.

Anon Imperfect Mum

You will have no work/life balance.
