Recreational Marijuana Use age.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Recreational Marijuana Use age.


I suffer from a chronic health condition that is having more frequent, acute relapses.

I have a few different pain medications that had been prescribed but I don't take them because I have many children who need a parent.

I've recently learned, out of sheer desperation more than anything else, that smoking a marijuana cigarette really helps me get comfortable and able to sleep.

I have a cigarette most evenings, I do it only after the children are in bed and asleep, and find that I'm able to get some relief myself.

My concern is, when I have the procedure required, I might still like to have the occasional joint, recreationally.

Am I a bad mother for this?
I don't feel bad about it, but just need some advice.

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt, Behaviour

17 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think if you need to ask then maybe cutting back might be a good idea. I don't care if someone smokes every now and again but most evenings is too much imo. Maybe see if you can cut back a bit and see how you go. Some people say marijuana isn't addictive but I know from first hand experience that that's a load of BS.

Anon Imperfect Mum

You should be taking the pain meds, not self medicating.
Maybe trying taking half the dose.
I'm sure you can't parent great when stoned, so why not take the medicine supplied to you at night?
I'm sorry that you are in acute pain, I hope things turn around for you soon x

Anon Imperfect Mum

You should talk to your doctor about medicinal marijuana. They can advise you on how to take it safely with children (like they should with any medication they are prescribing)

Casey Spencer

I feel, when it comes to pot.... I see it like alcohol. It's not a problem, unless u can't go a day with out it. If it controls ur life, it's time to stop. Nothing wrong having a puff every so often

Anon Imperfect Mum

Interesting you don’t take meds because you have children who need parents, but you get stoned. No judgement, just a thought for you.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Have you ever had either to know what you're comparing? Have you done any research on either? Because it doesn't seem like you have, no judgement!

Anon Imperfect Mum

I have, but I am not in her shoes and don’t know the facts of her use and child care, which is why I am not judging, just offering thoughts

Anon Imperfect Mum

I personally don't touch weed because it makes me paranoid. But if it's helping you and your not getting super blazed, can function, children are asleep and unaware I don't see why not. If your worried, talk to your health practitioner.
If you continue post procedure and it's not required for pain and sleep, maybe save it for the weekend - just be mindful that, depending on where you live, if you get pulled over the next day and test positive to a siliva test, you may have instant loss of licence.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Having spoken to people who live with chronic pain every day then I cannot judge you one iota.

I would definitely look into medicinal marijuana as an alternative.

I think you know that to be the best mum you can be that it may not be a good idea to continue after your procedure. You would just be creating another health problem.

I hope after your procedure you feel so pain free you realise you do not need it anymore ;)

Anon Imperfect Mum

Self medicating with pot that develops into a casual recreational thing can quickly turn into a full blown dependency.
I have seen this very thing happen in my personal life enough times to know that you're teetering on the edge of a very slippery slope right now.

I would consider other ways of winding down and enjoying yourself.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thanks for all of your advice!
I'm the OP, so just want to clear a few things up. The pain relief I've been prescribed over the years (there can be upwards of 6 different types of tablets) leave me groggy, agitated and horrendously itchy. They don't do anything for the pain and just leave me feeling awful without helping.

Even if I took them when my children are in bed, the pain would, and has, stuck around.

The first time I smoked weed, I immediately experienced relief of the never ending nerve pain and I slept better than I had in months.

I know that obviously it's not an ideal "solution" to the problem I have, but for me, one smoke every time I have a flare up is far nicer than taking medication daily that doesn't work for me.

I really appreciate the time you've taken to respond. I wouldn't wish this "life" on any one.

Anon Imperfect Mum

You never said you had it with flare ups, you said most nights.
You also used the word recreationally.
Careful you aren't minimising your usage, that's a slippery slope.
Reread your post.

Anon Imperfect Mum

That is true. Sadly the last week the flare ups have been constant so it is most nights at this stage, but can easily go without it if I'm not in pain :)

Anon Imperfect Mum

Then what's the issue?
You have the op, if you're pain free you kick the habit?
It is just a temporary thing to see you through.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Something else to consider that hasnt really been touched on - weed is still illegal in Australia. I'm assuming you're from Australia or another part of the world where weed has not yet been legalised, otherwise you wouldn't be asking.

That means there is the potential that you could end up in hot water legally speaking. Particularly if you get caught driving with it in your system, buying it, growing it or simply just having it in your possession (especially if it's a decent amount).
Do you need that kind of drama in your life?

A friend of mine is a smoker, recently she declined romantic advances from her dealer (who is very well known in the area as someone to avoid) and he absolutely went to town about her over facebook, it was really ugly. Some of what he said was true, some of it wasn't but she very well nearly lost her job over the things he said and child services had to investigate.

So you also need to be careful about who your habit has you getting involved with.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Similar happened to my ex's dealer. Nothing romantic but he pissed him off somehow and then he blasted my ex on Facebook and he ended up having to move due to it.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Have you looked into medicinal cannabis? Like CBD oil? Prescribed by the doctor. THC free means no high but pain relief. You wouldn’t have to wait until night. If your meds are only for pain and for quality of life then you’d be a shoe in and no down side.
