Relationship issue

Anon Imperfect Mum

Relationship issue

I'm currently 13 weeks pregnant and I'm struggling with my emotions really badly everything upsets me and my partner seem to always be at each others throat because I'm more tired and I'm taking more naps I try and get up and do things but it's so difficult when I'm soo tired he just tells me to suck it up and people have it worse which I do understand.
Ever since week 11 I've been having so many problems finding attraction towards him in every aspect emotionally and physically I can't stand the thought of being touched or having sex or even seeing him naked I just so emotionally drained I can't be asked it's almost like I have to force my self to interact and be 'horny' and I'm so tired I just don't understand why I feel this way and I don't want to end things so early in my pregnancy then to find out it was just hormones

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Pregnancy

8 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

You have pregnancy hormones coursing through your body! Tell him to pull his head in and until he has been pregnant he has no right to tell you how you should be feeling. Yes, other women might experience worse symptoms, but you are struggling and that is just as valid as those who have worse symptoms. Everyone experiences pregnancy differently, and every pregnancy is different even with the same two parents.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I have never felt exhaustion like that first trimester pregnancy exhaustion. It's intense!
Not only that but you are literally growing a whole human being inside your body, not only are you allowed to feel tired you should also listen to your body! If it's telling you to rest, you rest!

Your partner's job in all of this is to be supportive and do what he can to help make your life a bit easier. It is not to push you beyond your limits and completely invalidate your feelings.

I actually had someone I know tell me to suck it up when I was pregnant and experiencing HG - I have literally never spoken to that person since and that was 15 years ago. I have no time for people who lack that kind of empathy.

Anon Imperfect Mum

This sounds like pregnancy hormones!
it does get better, but do you and your partner a favour and get educated on the changes the body goes through during and after birth.
Knowing what to expect can help you both moving forward.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Are you and your partner really young? Like teenagers/20s? It sounds like he isn't very educated about pregnancy, perhaps he could come with you when you have your next drs appointment and he could hear it from the dr as to why you're feeling so tired and drained.

Anon Imperfect Mum

It’s hormones and pregnancy can induce anxiety. Speak to the Drs and get a pregnancy friendly anti depressant. I had to do this and it helped me immensely.

Anon Imperfect Mum

He sounds like he is most of your problem. He doesn’t sound very considerate and understanding of you and your feelings. Does he put too much pressure on you? What will he be like later on and after the baby is born. Stand up to him now else you will be his door mat. Also if you feel something isn’t right with your body, keep speaking up to the midwives and Drs until they looking into it more. Listen to your body. Your iron maybe lower now also. So many things change. It’s such an exciting and overwhelming time.

Anon Imperfect Mum

What a jerk! Tells you to suck it up. Tell him to suck it up because he wouldn’t be able to cope with what you are coping with. He doesn’t sound very supportive at all and this is just the beginning.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Your partner is being an ahole! First trimester I was so tired and my body was trying to adjust. I did get moodier when I had gestational diabetes with one of my babies though.

I would be confidentially asking the midwife or doctor to mention the fatigue, being supportive at this time etc. Especially due to risk of PND. It may be that he is just ignorant and may wake up to himself if he hears it from someone else.

Arrange to have someone else support you at this time if possible. When he's at work get someone to come and do a once off clean lol.

It does get better so just hang in there xx
