Wisdom tooth removal by specialist


Wisdom tooth removal by specialist

My wisdom tooth can’t be removed at the dentist due to being too close to a nerve. I have to see a specialist however don’t have to be put under.

I’m just wondering on the cost before I go and see the specialist. How much did you pay for one tooth? (That’s all I need removed).

I also have private health.

Posted in:  Health & Wellbeing

8 Replies


If you go contact the University they can do it cheap or free with concession. I just had 2 removed there with same issue and covered by bone. They were fantastic. I think it was around $160-$200 full price or free concession. Contact your closest University dentist. I went to Gold Coast University dental hosp. It would be the same in each state, I’d say. I stayed awake the entire time and barely felt a thing. 2 hours all up.


Amazing! I’ve just emailed them. I don’t have any concessions so happy to pay full price which is cheaper than going to the specialist.

Did they do an x-ray or did you take your own x-Ray in?


I got the OPG from the public Dentist as but you can ask your Dr for one they are bulk billed.Well it was bulk billed a few months ago, hopefully still the same. if not the University dentist can organise it. They would have done one for me.


If you have been to Dentist they could send an email to the uni, with a referal. Don’t mention private health.


Wisdom teeth are the hardest to remove and if your dentist wouldn't do it then I doubt you would qualify for the uni to do it. I don't know about costs but expect it to be up there.


Yes the University has oral surgeons. This is who did mine ( comment above) this is why, I went there. I couldn’t afford an oral surgeon and dentist couldn’t do it due to the closeness of the nerve and bone over it. Would have been thousands, which I couldn’t afford. I had an i initial appointment at unit, then they took them out 4 days later. It was def an oral surgeon. Dentists can’t do them because of the risk to the nerve. They suggest oral surgeon must do it.


I had my bottom right wisdom tooth out on Friday.
My tooth was in bone and very close to a nerve. I was terrified. But I thought I have had the other bottom one out why not this one. So I got it out in the chair.
No complication at all (except a fat face). I went to my regular dentist and the other dentist that works there helped to.
Not saying it wasn't risky, it was. And not to say you should try it. It's completely up to you and what your specialist suggests
I have no private health and it cost me $480.


If the dentist is saying go to a specialist it’s a bit hard to convince them to take it out in the chair.. hence the question.
