How do you decide what to do with your life?!

Anon Imperfect Mum

How do you decide what to do with your life?!

Hi all!

I currently work full time as an assistant manager in a retail store. I've worked in various roles within retail my whole adult life - i am in my mid/late 30s.

I don't know if it's just because I've had a see you next Tuesday of a day, combined with PMS week or what but today I was so done.

Done with entitled, rude and demanding customers. I left work tonight literally feeling utterly dehumanised, exhausted and straight up mentally drained.
Done with young, casual employees who have no work ethic, no desire to take direction, no desire or even concept of working as a team and absolutely no care if they're letting someone down.
Done physically! My whole body hurts, I'm busting my ass, just to go back in tomorrow to repeat the process.

I don't know, I think today was just the realisation that I don't want to be doing this for the rest of my life.

My problem is - I don't actually know what I DO want to do!
I'm not opposed to the idea of studying but nothing really jumps out at me. I'm not really keen on the idea of running my own business, I have a few friends who do and they all seem to be under immense financial strain, a ton of pressure and seem stressed out of their minds or their businesses are more of a side hustle than something that brings in a livable wage.
I don't particularly want to be in charge of anyone or responsible for anyone, I don't want to provide a service to the general public - frankly I think all these years in retail have made me a little jaded.

I know I can't be the only one to face this predicament. If you've been here, how did you find something that you felt passionate about?

(Bearing in mind that I have 3 kids, financial responsibilities etc so I'm not at all in the position to do anything radical like quit my job lol).

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Self Care, IM's In Business, Money, FAQ

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

One day I woke up the same feeling. Different industry to you but tired of asshole customers, being overwork, underpaid for my efforts, etc. I was on the brink of quiting, which we could not afford, and thought to myself I'm going to be am empty shell of a human if I continue - another 30 odd years of this crap, no way! So I enrolled in uni part-time in something I felt like I would enjoy and had some deep interest... and I absolutely love it! I dropped some hours at work, money is very tight but somewhat manageable. And I feel much better knowing I'm not going to "stuck" in the cycle of the same or similar job role.
