Messenger Kids

Anon Imperfect Mum

Messenger Kids

Does anyone know how to permanently delete/remove inappropriate content off Messenger Kids for both parties? I know that the kids can’t delete stuff as that’s kind of the point, but is there a way that parents can delete stuff from the parent dashboard or get FB to delete the content? You can remove friends off your kids accounts but that doesn’t delete the conversations and content. I’ve tried googling it and even looking for contact details to try and contact FB to get them to delete it.
Help please!!!

Posted in:  Kids

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Nope. My kids friends sent their mums photos through. I just hit messages so it scrolled away and explained to my kid 1- this an example of the importance of what you send, you can’t undo it. And 2- we respect that that wasn’t meant for us and we won’t look at it. I think that’s the best you can do - have the adults handle it

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think that's the idea, I remember when I was signing my daughter up on kids messenger it advised me that conversations couldn't be deleted so parents can monitor things and kids can't send inappropriate content then get rid of the evidence.

Karen Keane

You can remove images in the parent dashboard but they will only be removed for your child.
