Hi really need some advice!! I moved 6months ago with my 13 and 16 yr old daughters from Mackay where they were born and raised to sydney the yongest was hanging around with some pretty bad kids wasn't attending school etc..so wanted to go near my family for more support and get her away but she is not liking it one bit!! School has been more than helpful but she's still not attending jst sleeps all day and complains she wants to go back to Mackay!! My kids don't really know my side of the family so feel their not much support and it hasn't gone as I planned!! Was It the wrong thing moving her away from all her friends and what she has always known as home?? Should I give in and go back?? Please really need so help and guidance
3 Replies
How has the move gone for you? Your 16 year old will be making her own choices very soon. You have maybe a year, maybe two, before she’ll fly if she really wants to. So, where do you want to be.
Don’t stay for your boyfriend.
Moving and settling does take time. Sydney is a really hard place to live.
It takes at least a year to settle.
Hardly ever, is the first things you try the right ones for you. Maybe she needs to try a new school, new club, new job, new hobby, etc.
6 months isn't long, maybe give it a bit more time?
I hope things work out x
What were the reasons for moving in the first place? How much support are you actually getting from everyone? Is their dad still in the picture somehow?
I personally feel like 13 is such a crucial age for such a big move. Your 16 yr old will have at least some idea of who she is as a person in the world and should cope a little better however 13 is still so easily influenced (thus the bad crowd).
As others have said though 6 months is only a short time, if you have the support I would give it at least another 6 months before making a decision.