Toilet training and regression

Anon Imperfect Mum

Toilet training and regression

Hi Ladies, I have a question about boys?
A bit of back story is that I have 5 kids, first 4 are girls, last is a boy so I’m new to all these boy things and I find myself comparing my son to my daughters at that age and he’s the total opposite obviously. He’s almost 5 and supposed to be going to Kindergarten (Aus), next year but I am considering keeping him back another year due to this problem we’ve been having.
So, he’s been toilet trained for about a year now but still wears a nappy to bed. He has his occasional ‘accident’ here and there and I get that that’s totally normal, especially for a busy 4 year old little boy who has almost no attention span. But the past week he has probably used the toilet a handful of times only. He’s even done a number two in his pants twice. And I ask him all the time if he needs to go and tell him to remember to go and all of that. I know kids regress sometimes, but seriously, this much? He has just gotten over a cold so wasn’t well, but was well enough to play and eat and drink properly so I’m really confused as to why this is happening. He is only ever with me or at daycare 2 days a week so nothing dramatic has happen recently that I’m aware of. Is it ‘normal’ for him to go through a little stage of this? At what stage do I get him checked out at? Anyone have any tips on helping the situation, I try my hardest not to show emotion about it all and praise him for going but I’m kind of at a loss. Also any hits on getting rid of the smell?
If you’ve read this far, I thank you so much.

Posted in:  Behaviour, Kids

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

It is normal for boys to regress sometimes. Limit sugary drinks but don't limit water. If he's cold he may not be getting the feeling of needing to go to the toilet until he's busting. If he's using screens he could be holding off until its too late. I'm not sure what a Dr could do since he's shown that he has control he just misses it occasionally but maybe they could check for diabetes or a UTI?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Go to the GP.
Your son may be very constipated, which can cause an uncontrollable overflow of the bowel (soiling) and affect the bladder.
It is a condition called encopresis.
He may need to go on laxatives for a while.
If it hurts to pass a stool due to constipation, they may avoid doing it, which can obviously make it worse.
A simple xray of his tummy will see if he is bound up.
Always best to get these things checked.
It can also be psychologically harmful if you blame him, only to find he has no control over it, so you're handling it really well.
I have an incontinent child so I know how difficult this kind of thing is (has another condition that causes it).
Hopefully it's just a blimp in yours and your son's life x
