Sorry if this a bit of a personal one ladies but I have no one else to ask at the moment. I have PCOS with my tubes clamped and oh my goodness it has messed with everything more than what it was before. The clamps have been on for nearly 4 years and I have had nothing but issues since. I was wondering if anyone else has had the same issues or if maybe my PCOS is just playing up more so now? I'm wondering whether it is worth to see if I can get the clamps removed or not. I guess what I am looking advice on (besides seeing my doctor which I am) is whether anyone has had this issue before. I either have my period for extended periods of time, miss periods all together for months, sometimes it is fine but always the bleeding that comes with it is actually like ×10 worse than any period I had before getting them put on. Also if anyone has had the clamps removed, would I have to look at doing that privately? Thank you so much!
1 Replies
So it’s really hard to help without knowing if it was public or private clamping previously. Given the health concerns, it may be public now. I’d seek your specialist asap. I have terrible pcos but I don’t have pain during or after a period, but 3 days before I’m keeled over. I looked at clamping but was told the negatives out weigh the positives. I noticed a slight change when I changed my diet, I added more fibre (like even drinking metamucil) and cut out dairy for almost 6 months, and I still have pain, just not as severe. So yes PCOS changes and alters as your body does.
My mother had her tubes clamped previously due to PCOS and had them unclamped privately when she turned 58 (menopause was severe for her) and after having them out she feels on top of the world and her mood has settled too. She paid $7500 out of pocket, in a private hospital but she needed a lot of after care as she had high blood pressure snd some side effects after the sedation.