
Anon Imperfect Mum


My son wants to dress as a girl character for bookweek but has toned it down as he is scared the boys at school will tease him and call him gay (11year old)
I find it very very sad that kids can be so cruel that my son won’t wear fully what he wants which looks so amazing.
It’s such a sad world that if a girl dressed as Mario or woody no one would bat an eyelid or say a word but if a boy dresses as a female character he may or will be mocked 😢
Breaks my heart..
Also my son is worried if he does get teased that I am going to say something to the kids who do (which I bloody will!)
Because it’s not ok!!!
Has anyone ever dealt with this kind of thing?
I am so sad for my son to have to feel this way..
kids can be so disgusting but I guess it will never stop in the world..

Posted in:  Kids

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

There's always bullies who find anything they can to pick on. Any slight variance from the norm. Girls can usually 'feminise' male outfits because they wear pants already.

This will continue all through life though. Teens bully over the wrong brand of clothes or shoes. Adults constantly bully too - it's just more hidden and manipulative.

As an aside, I saw my son's teacher earlier this year after a group of boys targeted him & called him gay. I was like 'do these kids still think calling someone gay still an insult? Really?'. She agreed, saying unfortunately a few still lived in that belief and THAT makes me sad. My son couldn't care less as he knows someone being gay isn't any different from anyone else.

Anon Imperfect Mum

When my daughter was in grade 6 she really wanted to go all out for one last bookweek costume, then she had a sudden change of heart.
After a bit of probing I discovered that the girls in her class had mocked her mercilessly for even considering dressing up. Nothing I said could convince her to change her mind so off she went in school uniform.
I stayed for the parade to watch my younger child only to find myself absolutely incensed when I saw those very same girls all dressed in elaborate, coordinating costumes and my daughter walking along on the verge of tears.
I had to resist the very strong urge to drop kick all those little bitches!

Some kids are just so mean spirited, it blows my mind sometimes.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Yeah my daughter went as a man character no issues. Boys will tease boys (and everyone else) for ANYTHING and everything at that age. They’re quite insecure. Hopefully they grow out of it but a lot of men don’t. I hope your son enjoyed his costume in the end
