Protective parent mode

Anon Imperfect Mum

Protective parent mode

My daughter is 9 and in grade 4. There was an incident this week where another little girl drew a picture of a skull, my daughters name and a knife through the skull. She approached my daughter in the playground and said this is you because you are rude and don’t let anyone talk.

Now, my daughter isn’t perfect. We are working on her not always taking the lead, listening to others ideas etc. however I feel what this little girl did was a bit excessive but I’m not sure if I’ve gone into protective mode?

This little girl had to leave her last school (I am friendly with her parents as the girls have grown up together at kindy and now attend after school care together too) due to bullying and getting into fights. I’m not sure if it’s something I should just work on with my daughter or make the school aware?

My daughter told the relief teacher but said she didn’t show the teacher the picture.

Posted in:  Kids

5 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I actually had a meeting with my son's principal half an hour ago over incidents.i went in as a 'work together, I don't have the full picture' not defensive mode.

They're investigating and getting back to me. The teachers are the first stop, then the principal. I wouldn't just tell a relief teacher.

If the school isn't aware then they can't assess and action. My son hadn't told anyone and they can't help if they don't know.

So yes, just tell the teacher this has happened and they will keep watch. In the past the teacher has also made the behaviour the subject of their discussions in a general way 'name calling' etc.

If you need to, talk to your friend. But also work on your daughter's confidence. This is what I'm doing. It *seems* to be working.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Tell the teacher. Just a simple copy and paste of the relevant details from above, to let them know.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Perhaps this girl was a bully at her previous school... As parents we sometimes do not want to see or acknowledge it. You are not being overprotective, this is one incident, it may escalate if she is not corrected. I would be informing the school and the child's parents.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Please take it to the school and raise the issue. Nipping the behaviour in the bud before it escalates further is best for all involved. Stomp out the behaviour it has a chance to become the norm.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Go to the school and take the picture if you have it. My daughter is in grade 7 (12 years old) and received a message from someone she thought was a friend to kill herself. I went to the school and it was dealt with straight away (I had the messages as proof) please talk to the school asap you don’t need or want this to be swept under the carpet and escalate. Best of luck mama and tell your baby you are proud of her for telling you and going to the teacher.
