May be triggering -
I’m a bit at a loss and not sure how to approach this, and looking for some guidance.
My 7 year old was sent home yesterday with a picture they had drawn in class time- it contained some graphic doodle illustrations- teacher feedback said another child was involved and when talking to my son he said it wasn’t that child but 2 other boys-
My son has some developmental issues and so is suppose to have a full time aide but I question where the supervision was in this class time activity.
Discussing it with friends they said boys will be boys not to think too much into etc…
Anyway we have a chat time and story every night and are quite a modest family and so the images have taken me back a little..
After some chatting- my son disclosed a group of boys tell him about these things , co-ax him into the toilets at recess and lunch and touch him inappropriately and he was able to show me with his hands what this looked like, and they tell him that they won’t be his friends if he tells on them. This friendship group prior to this term were really mean to him and initially I thought it was strange they became friend but was happy for him…
His not going to school tomorrow-
I’m not sure what to do- I feel like it will just be brushed off somehow, or that I’m making mountains out of mole holes ..
When talking to my son I just let him talk and listened asked open ended questions so not to put words or ideas in his mouth .. I plan to talk to him again this morning and see if things sound the same ..
Am I right to be concerned,, can kids get away with this stuff at school, surely this isn’t ok and concerns should be raised,.
I thought about taking him to our local sexual assay support service for a professional to talk to him..
His never even slept over with family or friends due to his significant health issues so I’m in some shock
4 Replies
The phrase “boys will be boys” gets used too often to excuse bad behaviour. If it was just the drawing, it could possibly be written off as curiosity. BUT! Given the conversation you’ve had about it with your son, you have every right to be concerned. Organise a meeting with the classroom teacher. Explain what he has told you. Request that there is more supervision during break times and an adult is present when your son goes into the bathroom. Does the full time aide not extend to break times?
This will not be taken lightly at school at all.
You need to go straight in and see the principal.
This is predatory behaviour and your son needs to be protected from it!
I am a teacher. Report this to the principal immediately. Schools are mandated reporters. If this is not dealt with, which I think would be extremely unlikely then report to police. This is sexual abuse.
I'm so sorry you and your boy are going through this. This needs to be reported to the school principal and wellbeing coordinator. It's a form of harmful sexual behaviour that is a red flag for an adult or older person sexually abusing the kids who are using this harmful behaviour with your son. The school needs to report it to child protection to investigate the full situation ensuring the safety and support of all the children. I would ask for a meeting to discuss how they will keep your child safe and to make sure it is reported. The school will need to make plans for counseliing support for your child and also supervision and intervention plans so it can't happen again. Ask for plans once agreed to be sent to you in writing. You can also seek advice from 1800 Respect or your local sexual assault service.