Fussy eater, lost for ideas


Fussy eater, lost for ideas

Im a full time solo/working mum.
I work a 9-5 five days a week. I have 100% care of my child.
I've become SO lazy with cooking. My daughter (almost 8 years) is THE worst eater. Don't get me wrong she will eat broccoli and cucumber so I guess I'm on a win lol.
Im lost for ideas on what to make her for dinner.
I also don't have the mental strength to cook every night.
I want to start meal preaping on the weekends. I know what I'll eat and how much. So that's easy.
But for my daughter 🤷‍♀️.
Would love suggestions, even better if a recipe comes with it, to cook for my child.
Would love to meal prep for her too and for her to eat healthy also.
Or even if there is a child food friendly cook book out there?
Thank you all your beautiful stong mummas out there x

Posted in:  Food, Health & Wellbeing

1 Replies


I haven’t found anything, and my 9yo is now so incredibly fussy.
What we have now is a rule of eat it, or have a sandwich and go to bed.
Last week I made broccoli and beef stirfry and put that into containers (3 for the freezer and one for him) he didn’t eat the broccoli, but ate the meat and rice under protest.

I utilise ready made rice during the week for things like butter chicken, stirfry, Chili con carne. (I pull them straight from the freezer). The only night I cook is Wednesday’s and I portion that out (usually 2 or 3 for the freezer and a serve each for everyone else) And usually on Friday we have takeaway.

On Sunday’s I make lasagne knowing he won’t eat it, but I serve it with veggies, rice and chips so I know he’s at least eating the rice and chips… occasiaonlly he will nibble on the corn on the cob…

No advice, just try new things, add variety. it’s how I learnt my son loves Chili and all things spicy.

Good luck.
