Washing hair

Anon Imperfect Mum

Washing hair

This might be a silly question,
I wash my hair everyday, as I don’t feel clean if I don’t wash it and find shower caps to put over hair are hopeless
What does everybody use to keep hair dry when in shower ? Or do you just keep your face, hair/head away from the water
I know I shouldn’t be washing my hair daily but until I find a solution to keeping hair dry etc I will continue… also best fry shampoo ?

Posted in:  Self Care, Health & Wellbeing

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I use a shower cap without any issues. It keeps my hair dry unless I haven’t tucked all my hair into it. I work in childcare, so my hair gets washed if I work that day. Some weeks it’ll be washed everyday other weeks I might go 2-4 days between washes, depending how it’s looking. I try to do a hair mask at least once a week with essential oils diluted in a carrier oil, which has helped my hair immensely.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I was ny hair once a week. It's waist.length . I wear a shower cap while keeping my head out the water at the same time. Hair always looks better day 3 onwards as it settles in after a wash . Any dry shampoo will do too in between washes.

When I do wash it after 7 days , I wash 3x with salon only shampoo and once with conditioner. It lasts the entire week and is so much more healthy than daily washing as it strip's all the goodness from your hair.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Just a high pony does the job

Anon Imperfect Mum

Most shower caps are hopeless. I only use ones with a thick elastic band that is tighter & keeps a good seal. Also tie your hair up in a pony or bun quite high.

I've found the Balnea premium (they're white) from Woolies or some of the Kmart ones do the job for me so no need to spend a lot.

Also the more you wash the oiler it gets & more often you have to wash. So try every second day, then third if you can.
