Hormonal Weight Gain

Anon Imperfect Mum

Hormonal Weight Gain

I'm 30 soon (crying inside)
I started an office job a year back and gained some weight from sitting all day. I started to hate my body and knew I needed to start to loose the 3kgs I had gained. So I started that journey I wasn't dropping weight so I decided it was time to stop my anti anxiety meds (drs supervision) to help budge the weight. The medication wasn't beneficial for me any more as the dark period in my life is far behind me now.
I have Endometriosis and had recently been taken off the pill for irregular periods.
I had been thinking about having the implanon put in for over a year so I decided to go ahead.
I was so so so emotional. And in the 2 months it was in I put on 4kgs! So now I am 7kgs heavier. I'm a very small build, so the weight is very obvious. My clothes don't fit. My jeans especially. Not to mention my work wardrobe. My face is puffy and I want to cry.
I need to loose this weight for my body and for my mental health.
I'm really seaking out some ideas?
What diets work for mums?
How do you stay on track with exercise and food.
I work full time and have a child full time.
I dont have money/time for the gym right now either.
I do have my own weights and a treadmill at home.
Hours in the day are hard to find. But I'm determined.
Much appreciated on the ideas and advice xo

Posted in:  Mental Health, Food, Health & Wellbeing

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Majority of weight gain is firstly due to your diet. You'll need to just train yourself to eat much less. You'll need to be in a calorie deficit. Working out at the gym is only 20% effective. Diet is almost always the number one reason we either gain or lose weight, especially as our bodies age we don't need as many calories to sustain life.

Intermittent fasting also keeps weight in check.

Good on you too for acknowledging this with a 7kg weight gain and not letting it get so bad that you've become very overweight before you decide to bother. This is where people go wrong. It's much much harder to come back from that .

Anon Imperfect Mum

I found the easiest way was to track calories, that way I can eat what I want but make it up through the course of the day. And also weigh your food, don't estimate it! I was shocked at how small the "servings" actually are. I use the app MyFitnessPal, but there are plenty out there.
If you have a salad, you still have to log the calories - avocado & feta toppings really blow put the calories even though they're super good for you. Extra calories hiflde everywhere.
Honey carrots? Log them!!!
Coffee? Log it!!!! And don't lie to yourself. If you have 4 bikkies, don't log 2.
Also, number 1 rule: it is ok to throw food away.
We're so indocrinated about "clear your plate" and "there are children starving in Africa" - learn to stop eating when you're full.

Do you watch tv in the evenings? Can you put the treadmill in the lounge & walk & watch together?
Or even better, take the kids down to the local park & walk laps together immediately after work.
If you plan your dinners in advance, that can slot in to timeframes quite well.
I cook on bulk when I'm in the mood, and again weigh out the portions for the freezer.

I lost about 10kg in 4 months & have kept it off. I don't calorie count anymore unless I can feel my pants getting tight, then I get strict again for a few weeks. But once you've counted for a while, you'll have a way better idea of what to eat to maintain it.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Wait for menopause that’ll not be fun

Anon Imperfect Mum

Talk to the doctor about Metformin or similar
I think its used to treat endometriosis

I am on it for pancreas issues

Lost 15kgs in nearly 12 months
Not for the faint hearted, ask doctor 1st

Takes appetite away
Flushes system out good and proper
