Herbal Medicine

Anon Imperfect Mum

Herbal Medicine

My daughter is 8. She is diagnosed ADHD. She currently takes concerta in the mornings. At night she takes catapress and some melatonin.
She's always angry or sad.
She has anger outburst or is crying.
She can not emotionally regulate.
I'm exhausted. My parents who look after her during the week are too
I'm wondering about herbal medicines.
Does anyone take them or know of someone? Do they work?
I use to have my horses on them ha. So I'm wondering about my child being on them

Can anyone recommend someone. Or where I can buy them form? What sort should I look into?

Posted in:  Mental Health, Self Care, Health & Wellbeing, Behaviour

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'd go back to your pead and tell them the meds or doses aren't working. My friend's kids reacted in a similar way to the first drug they tried & are now stable & thriving on a different one (after adjusting the dose a couple of times).

Therapies can help with emotional regulation. They've helped my ASD son immensely.

Also check with the doc before using herbal meds as they can react with traditional meds. They sent mother to hospital in an ambulance. The 'natural' medicine pushed her blood pressure so high she was at risk of dying. Now she's on blood pressure meds for life.

I hope you find the solution you need.
