Pocket money and holiday jobs for a pre teen

Pocket money and holiday jobs for a pre teen

Hi guys,
I’ve got a 12 year old daughter wanting to earn pocket money what are some around the house jobs that she could do- or jobs in the street she can do on holidays?
I feel cooking and cleaning etc is no longer pocket money jobs in the house it’s you pull your weight and things like dog walking/babysitting she’s a year too young for.

Posted in:  Kids, Teenagers, Money

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

My kids help their dad prepare recycling and get a percentage of the take. Ie they help strip copper wire offcuts he has

Anon Imperfect Mum

Washing the car. Mowing. Gardening.

Casey Spencer

We don't do pocket money for basic house hold cleaning. It's a part of life and no one pays me to clean up after myself haha.

Doing things you wouldn't normally expect them to do, like for me, that would be to hang the washing or take it off. Pick up after the dog, clean out the car. Hose out the wheels bins, mow the lawn or pull weeds, clean windows, or walls. That in my book is pocket money worthy.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Organising cupboards, washing walls, clean out fridge freezer, wash car, wash dogs, pull weeds, mow lawn,
