My daughter is almost 5 and won't poop in the toilet. She is too big for nappies so we are changing her about 5-10 times a day (small amounts continuously). We have got to the point where we just throw her undies which is costing a lot and seems a waste. She comes home in soiled underwear from school which I am sure her friends can smell her. If I catch her hiding then she will sometimes go to the toilet if I carry her there, but that is rare. We have tried constipation medicine, bribes, sticker chart, praise, rewards and losing our patience with her, nothing is working. She has no problem with wees and was trained just before 2. She also night trained at 3. My doctor doesn't seem to think it is an issue. Any suggestions on how I can help her?
3 Replies
Google encoprisis.
Small amount of soiling due to feacal impaction. The small amounts are overflow and after a while they stop getting the urge to go. Please be gentle with her, been there, it's so frustrating, I get it x
Use microlax and regular movicol to get her going regularly. You will need to keep her on movicol for a few months while her bowel heals. It’s probably hurt her in the past to poo and she is now scared. She will get a bit of diarrhoea initially, they call it ‘the wash around ‘. She will be going to the toilet a lot but it does get easier. Hopefully once she realises it’s not painful, she will be ok.
We also used this set,
It made it fun for our kids and got them on the toilet. Good luck!🤞
Our son was still having this issue at 5. His paediatrician put him on a high dose of osmolax to get his bowels moving so we could start fresh. Then it was twice a day sitting into the toilet with a timer (a good 15 minutes) for him to at least try to go. Lots of gentle conversations et. We do think he was scared of the toilet but pooping specifically because as a young child he would do quite large and firm poops which would’ve have hurt him