How do I “glow up?”

Anon Imperfect Mum

How do I “glow up?”

They say that the best revenge on a toxic ex is a glow up! But how? When you have absolutely nothing left in you, no confidence, no self esteem, no happiness, no drive, no attractiveness, no soul, no happiness… just nothing. Nothing left except self hatred and ugliness. On the verge of depression because they have taken literally everything single thing that you had. You now just exist. How do I pick myself up from that and move up & on? He has literally taken everything I had and everything that I was!

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Self Care, Sisterhood Stories, Health & Wellbeing

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

The best revenge is not seeking revenge. instead, work on finding your own happiness, whatever that might look like.

Anon Imperfect Mum

if you're looking to glow up as revenge, it won't work.
you need to authentically heal, then what you call glow up, happens naturally.
he can't take away who you are, take back some of your power, after this, you'll be a better version of who you were, more resilient, stronger, wiser.
