Why are my kids bullying?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Why are my kids bullying?

My children are bullies! Teenage children! WHY? I’m getting emails from the school every week about my kids bullying other kids at school and on the school bus. Why are they doing this? I have done everything I can while they were growing up to teach them not to bully or be mean to anyone. It’s so disgusting! I’m so upset for the poor children they are mean to, and their parents. I don’t know why they are doing it and I don’t know how to stop it? They are the most stubborn head strong teenagers. They won’t talk to me about anything and everything is always the other person’s fault! I’m at the end of my tether. I’m so heartbroken and angry that they keep doing this and they don’t realise how it’s hurting other people! What do I do?

Posted in:  Behaviour, Kids, Teenagers

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Because they are inherently unhappy and it's up to you to figure out why.
Start with their home life, as uncomfortable as that is.
I'm always dubious of parents that "teach" kids how to be good people, rather than model it in every-day life and have good influences/people around them.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Your kids also lack empathy, I would research ways to build this in them. Lots of info online, but remember it's not enough to say it, you need to show them and model it

Anon Imperfect Mum

What is the background? I went through a horrible stage from 12 to 14 because my parents had split up, Mum became stressed and Dad moved on with another woman and the whole situation just turned me into something I wasn't. I felt forgotten at home and was always trying to stay out of my Mums way, my Dad spent no time with me. I think it was a way of having some control back and making me feel more powerful than I was. I loved getting in trouble at school I got attention that way.
