Husband had a stroke and not doing so well mentally


Husband had a stroke and not doing so well mentally

My husband recently had a stroke. Despite him still in pain and numbness to his left side, he was doing so well. He is back home and we are trying to get back on with our new life.

Yesterday we had a silly argument. Then that night he opened a beer. We have had the talk about absolutely no alcohol. His care team told him no alcohol for at least 2 years. Even our children told him to stop. But he wouldn't. He then got really angry, threw his phone at the TV and smashed the TV.

He also didn't take his meds lastnight and he has refused them today.

He is now telling me that he is in so much pain that he doesn't want to live anymore (well he hasn't had any of his pain meds). He had 2 more alcoholic drinks despite me pleading with him. We get to see someone from his care team next week but that feels so long away.

He told me he is going to die soon, so he is going to be happy and drink alcohol to dull his pain.

Posted in:  Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Health & Wellbeing

1 Replies


His cognitive function can effected from having the stroke definitely speak to his care team and speak to your GP for a mental health plan also seek out carers support groups
