Quality Time


Quality Time

Hi IMs,
I’m having a hard time trying to express to my partner how important it is to me for him to want to spend some time with me on a weekend. I’ve tried talking to him several times but he just makes excuses for his time spent elsewhere. He’s here at home except for work, going to the shops and golfings, so I don’t think it’s an affair. He is very into footy and gaming and golf and is not very well organised with life stuff. I’m trying to understand that, but at the same time, what are we if we don’t ever spend time together. Has anyone got any advice on how to approach this please?

1 Replies


I don't know.. the only thing I know is once I stopped waiting for him to show up, he suddenly wanted to know where I was and what I was doing. Do not put your life on hold waiting for him. Make your own plans ;)
