


Hi Mummas,

I was just wondering how you all go with communication in your marriage? Like, do you stop and say hi and goodbye when leaving the home? What do you do when you are having an issue with something or each other?

I have an expectation where I’d like general communication about when you’re coming and going and if something extended pops up after work Eg. Going to visit someone unexpectedly for a couple of hours. Is this reasonable?

I also have this expectation that if there is something wrong or a problem pops up that we would sit down and talk it out. Is this reasonable?

My partner runs (literally jumps up and exits) when any emotions are involved and will not sit down and talk through to a resolution and he has no interest in solving any practical problems. He comes and goes (for hours) without any hi or bye or idea of his whereabouts. I am deeply unhappy with this but he won’t even discuss it with me.

Does anyone have any advice on how I might deal with this better?

1 Replies


If you don't talk about it then he gets to keep doing what he's doing and not taking any ownership. He is disrespecting your feelings by avoiding the conversation/s. I would say he knows darn well what you want but will continue to avoid you because he has no intention of changing anything.

It takes two people wanting to make an equal effort so it's difficult to give advice on this one. Other than telling him you need to book in some time to talk and telling him straight he needs to stop avoiding it.
