7yr old found with picture of breasts (with bra on) under pillow

Anon Imperfect Mum

7yr old found with picture of breasts (with bra on) under pillow

While I was helping my 7yr old sort his bedroom out today, I found a torn out picture from a chemist catalogue of a women’s breast (wearing a bra) under his pillow.

He first told me his sister did it, then that he put it in the bin and it must have blew out and gotten under his pillow, then he told me it was for the perfumes on the other side.

I started calm with him and didn’t get cranky at all. I am just a little surprised given he is only 7 and not sure how to take it.... looking for other peoples thoughts/similar experiences.


Posted in:  Kids

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I would just leave it and not embarrass him. He is very young but boys do get curious from early on especially if they have friends or siblings that are talking about this stuff.
