What is the point of sheer bodysuits


What is the point of sheer bodysuits

I'm wondering what the point is of the sexy sheer bodysuits I'm seeing everywhere at the moment.
I actually love the look of them, some are beautiful, but WHERE and WHY would you wear them?
Is it lounge wear?
Sexy time?
Do you wear it out in public?
I realise this is probably an odd question, but I've been wondering this for ages!

2 Replies


So I actually work in a store that sells these type of bodysuits. You can wear them where ever and however you want!

They look incredible styled with jeans and a jacket, slacks and a blazer or a floaty skirt in summer. They're great for layering or you can wear them as lingerie!

Like many fashion items, they don't necessarily have a "point", they're just items to have fun with.


So.... I went into bras and things to get something sexy to wear with my husband. I've never really done this before. Age 41.
Anyway I picked a sheer bodysuit on the specials rack.... ASSUMING it was literally only for sexytime.

At the counter I said to the girl - "probably TMI but it kinda sucks that this body suit can't be undone at the crotch" - meaning it's not exactly easy access 😅
And she turned around and said "oh its the worst! When you are out clubbing and need to pee!"

Internally I'm like wtf?? People wear this OUT?? WHY?? SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!!

Externally- "oh yes, that's what I meant, yes. It does suck for needing the toilet at the club". 🤫🫣
