Fitness passport NSW health

Anon Imperfect Mum

Fitness passport NSW health

Hey! Can anyone shed some light on fitness passport when working for NSW Health?? The app doesn't work, the Web page doesn't work and they haven't given my any relevant info when I've contacted them!
I just want to understand how it works, is it worth it? I just don't get it haha sorry for the dumb question

Posted in:  Mental Health, Self Care

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

My daughter has a fitness passport and loves it. Also an employee of nsw health. It has given her the ability to use different gyms rather then being locked into the one. This has worked great for her as we have just moved from one end of the coast to the other and her work is in the middle. So, depending on her shift she can go to a gym closer to work or closer to home.
Sorry, can’t help with the technical side of it.
