How do I overcome emotional eating?


How do I overcome emotional eating?

How do I overcome emotional eating? I have been an emotional eater my whole life and I hate it. I’m so sick and tired of always being the biggest person everywhere I go. It’s just taking a massive toll on me. I’m so depressed at the size of myself. How do I feel positive in my life and get the want for weight loss? I’m so big 😭

Posted in:  Mental Health, Self Care, Food, Health & Wellbeing

1 Replies


Start with a visit to your GP to get a mental health care plan and referral to a psychologist. You’ll get 10 Medicare subsidised appointments. It could also be worth getting a referral to a dietitian to discuss what you are eating and how much. While you are waiting on those appointments, maybe start keeping a record of when, what and how much you are eating, as well as how you are feeling before, during and after eating. This will give you a starting point when you see the psychologist.
