Endometrial ablation

Anon Imperfect Mum

Endometrial ablation

Looking for ladies experiences with having an endometrial ablation. The good the bad the ugly.
My gynaecologist has recommended it to me because I have long term issues with my periods. Short duration of cycles and heavy long periods (currently on day 12 of my period with only 12 days break from bleeding last month). I've tried the mirena, several pills, depo shot and the rod and all just made my periods worse. Currently on tranxamaic acid which isn't working either so this is the next step but with so many bad experiences with everything else I've tried im worried about going ahead with it in case my body reacts badly to it too as it's permanent.
Love to hear from anyone who's been in a similar situation to me. Was it worth doing?

Posted in:  Self Care

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