Gym sessions

Anon Imperfect Mum

Gym sessions

Hey mummas!!

New gym goer here!! Yay me!! And I'm absolutely loving it BUT I need a bit of guidance.
I've researched equipment and asked for help from people working there so I'm happy with that but I keep seeing posts about 'beginners always be working on more than one area' or 'hitting every peice of equipment in the place is for beginners'
Now I'm embarrassed caus that's exactly what I'm doing!! I'm trying to warm up, do whole body work out and some cardio! I'm not sure what my goal is yet but I feel like I'm doing it all wrong now. The other thing is I'm never pulling up sore/or like I've actually worked out which I've read means your work out is doing nothing.

Any advice for a newbie?! Thanks so much!!

Posted in:  Mental Health, Self Care

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Unless you are training for something specific, you want an overall program that targets each major muscle group. Free weights are better as they engage stabilising muscles more effectively at the same time. If you do weights every day, you should have 2 programs though as ideally, if pushing muscles to fail, you should have 24 hours recovery between targeting that muscle group again.

Most people don't push to fail though and cardio can be every day.

Weights every 2nd day is good to begin with regardless though so initial fatigue doesn't stop you from going

Oh.. I'm an Exercise Physiologist FYI.

To sum it up, speak to someone at your gym to make sure that both your workout and recovery time are working towards gains.
