I just don’t know what to do anymore

Anon Imperfect Mum

I just don’t know what to do anymore

Please help me!!! I’m sitting here silently screaming with my mouth wide open. I’m uncontrollably crying. I don’t know what to do anymore? My son doesn’t go to school anymore. He catches the bus and just goes somewhere all day long. I can’t remember the last time he has gone to school. I’ve tried EVERYTHING. I have met with the school multiple times, there’s multiple plans they tried that didn’t work, social workers didn’t work, he blatantly refuses therapy and will not go, he’s on adhd medication, I’ve tried bribing, we’ve tried shorter school weeks and days, he REFUSES to change schools, he’s too young for job/apprenticeship etc, we’ve tried discipline. We have literally tried EVERYTHING! I’ve begged. I’ve cried. He just won’t go to school. Says he just absolutely hates it. No there’s no bullying or anything going on. I’ve tried keeping him home so atleast he’s in the house, but he refuses because he “gets too bored”, then it ends with us yelling at each other.
And he hangs out with the wrong crowd when he wags, getting up to mischief! I’m lost. I don’t know what else to do. It’s tearing the family apart. I’m just constantly a mess with stress, sadness and anger that it’s affecting my other kids now too. I’m just so lost. Nothing is working and I don’t know what to do anymore. Help

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Health & Wellbeing, Behaviour, Kids, Teenagers

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

You don't say how old the child is.

If they are high school age can he start going to tafe or to a trade school. Or maybe home schooling through distance education
