Extreme stress levels

Anon Imperfect Mum

Extreme stress levels

Stress! I have extreme stress at the moment. Im talking high, high stress. I have my first psychologist appointment soon. But what are other ways to deal with stress levels this high? It’s caused by an ongoing problem that probably won’t be out of my life for years yet unfortunately. I can’t get rid of it, so I will have to learn how to cope. My body constantly feels Lethargic, my shoulders sit high now because I can’t relax, I have stomach issues, headaches, I’m stuttering now, can’t focus, can’t get my work done, forgetting things, always either crying or angry, my words don’t come out properly, I have psoriasis, and I’m eating junk food and piling on weight. I don’t know how I can even deal with this because the problem I have can’t go away. I’m exhausted

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Mental Health, Self Care, Sisterhood Stories, Health & Wellbeing

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

You can try mindfulness meditation, download the Smiling Mind app, it's free

Anon Imperfect Mum

Find an outlet. Go for a walk, read a book, do some craft. Buy a punching bag and let it all out. Lay in the sun, go to the pool and just float.
I read, alot. My anxiety comes and goes. Getting lost in the fantasy in the pages helps relax me. I also go out side and play with thr dogs. Play handball with my kids. Board games.
