40 thought peri and now pregnant

Anon Imperfect Mum

40 thought peri and now pregnant

My partner and I had been trying to have a baby the last 3 -4 years and after seeing a fertility specialist was told there was a very low chance as to my AMH level and that even IVF was out of the question so we came to accept it wasn’t for us cut to recent - my hormones have been crazy no periods hot flushes etc and I was put on a low dose HRT - estrogen patch and progesterone tablet at night since October.

I am now pregnant…My teenage children are 18 and 16 (this would be my partners first baby) and I’m freaking out, in shock, scared, I have waves of different emotions I’m all over the place. I also started a new home based business and it’s thriving - this was our plan for me to work from home and have a baby but then with what we were told we just accepted it wasn’t going to happen so we have been excited for our future ahead - my partner was very down as he has no children of his own but he finally accepted it also. He is not letting himself get excited yet but I heard him and my teenage son talking and he sounds so happy..

Not sure what I’m asking just wondering if anyone else has been in this position and how they found having babies so far apart

EDIT- I have been brown spotting with some very dark red for 4 days now cramping just pulls here and there, still early went for another ultrasound but not fetal pole could be as too early could not - told to check bloods again and have another ultrasound in a week. I can’t stop worrying

Posted in:  Pregnancy, Kids, Teenagers, Tips and Advice

5 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Firstly, Congratulations!!!! 🎊 This must have come as a huge shock and I have a feeling you are still riding that emotional roller-coaster, along with crazy hormones.

Secondly, I just want to let you know it's okay to allow yourself to be happy. I have a feeling you have experienced so much disappointment and heartache that now you are kind of not sure this is really real and are experiencing a tinge of anxiety over the future. You may want to speak to someone if it continues to grow but in the meantime come back to the now and allow yourself to be happy about this and worry a little less.

I have friends and family who went through IVF, big age gaps between kids. Recently one of my friends had a baby with her new partner. In all situations, the older kids have been so wonderful with the little ones. Their houses have been blessed with so much love.

Again, congratulations lovely, time to enjoy and celebrate the now 💕

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thankyou so much for replying to me. Massive shock and lots of anxiety I am getting excited about and feeling really blessed but I have had brown discharge for the last 4 days not a lot just when I wipe and not with cramps but that has set me back emotionally. I went to hospital who did another scan which came up the same as the week before sac and yolk but no fetal pole I am early so this could be why

I have another scan after 7 weeks. Now I don’t want anything to happen to it

Anon Imperfect Mum

I bled with my eldest, scared the daylights out of me but all was fine and they told me it was more common than we think. I know it's hard but try not to worry xx

Anon Imperfect Mum

Did you bleed for a long time ? I’ve been spotting and bleeding but only when wiping for a week now but no pain

Anon Imperfect Mum

We have just had our 4th baby. Our eldest is 20 our middle is 17 and our youngest is 13. I was in denial for about half of my pregnancy thinking how are we going to do this again but we would not change it for the world. She was the baby we were meant to have and the older siblings are great with her. Congratulations you can do this.
