Mum issues

Anon Imperfect Mum

Mum issues

Mum drinks & gets drunk at night & is abusive to me and sends messages. I'm a single mum and she thinks I'm a mess, my kids a mess, My house is a mess. She wants to get her way all the time if I don't agree. Now Xmas is at my house and wants at hers im unsure how to deal with this? & causing issues with my kids & I. What do I do.

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Have a nice peaceful Christmas with your kids without your Mum there. You don't have to spend Christmas with her. If she needs an explanation tell her you and your kids want a happy Christmas without criticism and judgement. Make it your New Years resolution to keep negativity out of your life. This is your life, you're single and this is your time to do things for yourself and keep your kids lives as stress free as possible. You don't need your Mums abuse.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Go camping or go stay somewhere, without her, get some distance, also a good excuse and a way to ease you into getting her out of your life. Sorry mum, me and the kids have decided to go to xxx over Christmas this year, so you'll have less mouths to feed. It will also take your mind off her if you're away. Good luck, have a good Christmas x

Anon Imperfect Mum

Sounds like your relationship with your mother is not a good one. So the next thing to ask yourself is if you want the same relationship with your children? If the answer is F no! Then make sure you prioritise your relationship with your children and lay down the law with your mother. You are an adult now, you no longer have to put up with this 💗
