Mums - my eldest son (12) is starting boarding school this week and I’m doing it tough as the build up to the drop off gets closer.
We are excited for him and the friends and opportunities this will give him and he is 100% ready to go but I’m really struggling with the grief of it all and having him so far away.
Added to that is that his dad and I divorced 8 years ago and have a strong co parenting relationship but now that our son is at boarding school, the holidays will be split and we will only see him for half each. I’m insanely jealous of the other mums in our circle who still have their family units in tact and get their kids for the whole time, and feel an enormous amount of guilt for that.
Any other co parenting boarding mums out there with advice for how to soldier on when the mix of emotions all feels too much??
2 Replies
12 is so young. If you're in a remote area, what about distance education?
12 is so young. If you're in a remote area, what about distance education?