Unsure of what to do anout this, so asking here, one day everyweek i look after 2 kids, i pick them up from school they dont go to the same school as my child. Get dinner done and snacks ecta as the parent gets back late. Any way last night i was informed from my child that the other kid had said that their parent had called her a bitchey little cow, now i am dumbfounded by this and see no reason why either child would lie. There has been a couple of other incidents that my child has been made out to be the bad one and the other 2 are inicent, i let all that go, now with this i am unsure of what to do, the parent is not the easiest to say much to that does not agree with them, and a bit of a stand over person, the other thing is I offered to helpp out as they are single and doing study hence why i get the kids, now this has gone on for a term just about and not once have i been offered any fuel money or money for food, it was said that they would chip in, i have been thanked so that is not the issue, i am just wondering if i am being used
5 Replies
I think you are being taken advantage of.
Make sure that you tell them that after this term you will no longer be able to pick there kids up. There is after school care!
If.it feels.wrong, don't.do it. I.wouldn't be happy with that arrangement anyway, let alone hearing that being said.on top, that'd just be the kicker. Let her know you cancel, who cares if she doesn't like hearing it? Not your problem.
My friend has just been in the exact same position only she has no kids of her own. She has been given a promotion and can no longer collect the friends girl from school and the mum has basically said that it's completely unfair for her to take the promotion. Turns out he mum does have time to collect and drop her at grans but they don't get on so she 'would rather not'. Not once in 2 terms has she been offered fuel or even given a proper thanks.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
Single mothers are able to apply for JET which heavily subsidises after school care and child care reducing it to something like $5 a day. Say no more.
Don't care how much money they chip in, if another child called your child that, then you need to put your kids first and say your circumstances have changed and you are no longer able to look after your friends kids one day a week. School holidays are here now and make sure you don't offer to look after them, your responsibility is to your kids first. And yes you are being used.