


hi lovely ladies and some gents :)
First of all I hope your all having a awesome week so far.
A little bit about myself. I am 30 this year eek, really don't feel it though haha. Have two gorgeous healthy kids a 2 1/2 year old and 12 week old. and a very amazing husband. I am on a mission to become a ausmumpreneur. I love Instagram and think it's pretty amazing all these clever mums have started selling things and making a living out of things they are passionate about or have made.
I have been in the industry I am due to go back to since I was 17 and would love a change. I need some ideas so help me out. I love children and that's the area of work I currently work in. What do you think is a good business to start ??? Throw them at me.. What would you buy ??
There are so many people making/ selling handmade clothes so I am after something different.
I am crafty , can sew. I thought something in the babies/ children department. Parents more often spend money on the kids not themselves. I know I do. I don't hesitate spending however much on the kids but I desperately need new clothes haha.
Thanks All xo Hopefully you will be buying my things one day :)

Posted in:  IM's In Business

1 Replies


I'd talk to other crafters about how much money they actually make. I looked into it a few years ago and most people make very little money especially compared to the time they put in to make each item, cost of materials etc. so what ever you choose do your numbers and factor in your time.
