
Anon Imperfect Mum


Hi ladies! My LO turns 2 next month and I have decided to stop breastfeeding.... She is only having one feed a day at the moment. I have 2 questions.... 1. How do I stop? And 2. Are my breasts going to change once I stop? Thanks ladies!

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Baby Feeding

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Talk to your child before hand, let them know that the next day they can just have milk in a cup/sippy or bottle and they aren't going to have boobie anymore. You'd be surprised how much a 2yr old actually understands. Let them choose a special cup and get them excited about it. Maybe even get your child to choose a cup for you and you can both have a drink of milk together like big girls/boys. Even using a straw could be good too, you could get a fancy swirly one. I would think that because your only feeding once a day it wont be a big shock to your breasts. You'll still have milk for while but I doubt it will cause leaking. They might stay the same size or could possibly shrink a bit, it varies depending on each person. Good luck mamma.
