Chemical Pregnancy


Chemical Pregnancy

I was so ready to be pregnant, I have been feeling all the right symptoms for the last 12 days and after a very faint + on the HPT, but now my period has arrived, the heaviest I've ever had, I was in shock when I went to the toilet.
We are TTC our first baby, I really thought this was it.
I'm so sad because I want to make my husband a father, he gets so excited when we talk about our future babies.
He's so amazing and involved and wants this so much, I wish it had stuck this time.

It makes it so hard for me because I get so jealous when I see family and friends with their babies and I just want my baby already!

Just needed to have a vent!

Posted in:  Loss & Grief, Pregnancy

3 Replies

The Imperfect Mum

Ohh sad to hear darl. I remember when I lost my son it was hard to see other people with their children.

Sending you loads of hugs! X

Charmaine Castle

my 3rd baby was a threatened miss carriage I was sure I was going to loose him as I bleed the whole 9 months and not just spotting either some days was like a period ..... fast forward 11 years and we have a very healthy active son ..... go to the drs hun and get a blood test done just to be sure some women get a period each month for their whole pregnancy hence why some women dont even realize their pregnant .... I'll cross my fingers for a positive out come for you sending you hugs xxx


If you haven't already go to the doctors, it might be scary but it's better to have some blood tests and make sure that you aren't pregnant anymore because there is always that possibility that u are but as hard as it is be positive in your thinking but don't get your hopes up just incase. It's so hard when you see others having their babies and you never got the chance to even hold yours in your arms. It's ok to be sad and it's ok to cry. I lost my baby 2 months ago through miscarriage and I can't shake the thought of how big I would have been by now or what it would have been like. I see others pregnant or with new borns and i think why that couldn't have been me. But you still have to pick up the pieces sometimes and keep going stay positive and u will grow through this all. I hope you get your baby soon and that you can stay positive that it will happen for you. Good luck mumma big hugs xo.
