i have a two year old boy (almost 3) who has been "potty trained" for over a good month now but he wont do poos in the toilet he will hold on until night time when i put his night time nappy on him. i have tried everything i can think of rewards, toys lollies stickers ect..... getting him up to use the toilet after bed (to which he will just hold until morning) trying to get him up earlier to use toilet i just dont know how to get him to use the toilet
9 Replies
Couple of questions as I used to toilet train for a living. Yep it is a job lol
What position does he poo in? Eg sitting/squatting/standing.
Have you tried putting him in the nappy when he needs to poo and then expecting him to stand in the vicinity of the toilet to go? Eventually you expect him to get closer until he is sitting on the toilet, eventually cutting a hole in the nappy and then getting rid of the nappy all together.
PS it's not an unusual problem and poos can take for ever compared to wees because it just don't get so many opportunities to catch one
hes normally lying down in bed when he goes, and he seems to understate the whole idea as he says to me poos in the toilet but he just wont do it siting on there, and i never seem to be able to catch him before he does it as he wont tell me he needs to, i will try the idea with putting him in his nappy at night and standing him near the toilet so fingers crossed for that one thank you :)
Understanding the concept and being comfortable enough to do it is very different when it comes down to it. It's what makes it so frustrating. Also it's a pain trying to keep a kid out of bed while you wait for the poo! Doing a poo is something you need to be really comfortable to do and the mechanics of it are a very different sensation. I know many adult women who will hold on until they get home etc so I'm not surprised when kids struggle to do it somewhere new to them. If he has kindy etc during the day maybe wait for school holidays to try :)
My son is 3 and 1/2 he's been using toilet for wees since 2.5 but only managed poos on last few wks. He was same and would hold out until nappy at bed then go. At first I stressed then decided to let him do whn ready and I stopped hassling him. A few wks back I bought a small toy he wanted and put it on too of fridge and said you can have it when you poo in toilet. He pooed that night. I bought a few more and used them over next wk ( $5 matchbox car etc so not big ones ) after 2 wks of pooing he got a sticker chart and had to get 10stickers for poos to get a bigger present he wanted.
Maybe you could try that and maybe just leave him a little if he's not ready it's just going to stress you both out
No tips but I so feel for u my 3 yr will use the toilet all the time for wees but poos are a completely different story. Oh I wish he would do it in a nappy instead we get it in his underwear which usually means up his back, down his legs and if Iam really lucky on the floor or carpet. Last week he did one poo in the potty not the toilet but since then can't get him to do it again. So deff following, another frustrated mum
My daughter (3 1/2) is the same. She will wee on the toilet but there is no way on gods green earth she will poo. She stands up to poo and will ask for a nappy when she knows she needs to go. I've decided to just let her use the toilet to poo when she is ready. I don't want to push it with her and stress her about it because she then stops pooing and will go a week without a poo and needs medicine to help her go again.
It's possible he's just not ready for that next step, so if that's the case, take a breath and relax :) leave it be.
However my daughter is 2 and is completely toilet trained, day, night, wees and poos. Obviously every child is different but I believe it's because we took the nappies away completely, that she started to understand it only goes in the toilet. Have a read of the 3 day potty training guide, it has some great information. The first week or so was hard and there were a lot of accidents, but she learnt very quickly that she didn't like the feeling of going in her pants. So my advice if you really want him going is remove all the nappies, don't go back, feed him more fruit in the morning so it might help him go earlier in the day, stay calm and have plenty of praise and rewards for him :)
Good luck whatever way you go :)
My son refused to do poos for almost a year. He's 4 1/2 & has been pooing on the toilet consistently for 2 months. We tried everything, too. He got really constipated & had to use softeners when we tried to get him to use the toilet. His body even started doing poos in his sleep as he held it too long. They will eventually do it in their own time, just keep offering but don't make a big deal, as frustrating as it is. Currently going thru it again with my 2 1/2 yo daughter.