help needed for a toilet trained toddler

help needed for a toilet trained toddler

Hi ladies, my 2 and a Half year old is toilet trained during the day, but lately shes been peeing everywhere. Will not use the toilet any ideas on what to do. It dosent matter how many times you take her to the toilet she just won't go

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Potty Training

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Firstly check if she has a bladder infection or similar. As that can make it painful to wee meaning the child holds on and then just dribbles all over the place. Don't tell her off for accidents but reward any success. Once you've ruled out bladder infection go back to toilet training basics. Reinforcing going to the toilet, making the toilet entertaining, if you need to provide a potty where ever she is until she is back on track.
