Having been through a horrific emotionally'/physically abusive relationship through my late teens / early 20's (that thankfully didn't result in any children) I finally got free but struggled to identify who I was, my self esteem was below zero and I looked for love in all the wrong places, one of those places resulted in a daughter but the relationship didn't last, I suffered from PND and felt so isolated and alone, yet here I am now with a man 3.5yrs later who adores me and my daughter. He would do anything for us, he is very domesticated, he knows how to pick up after himself, clean properly, do washing, cook, he knows this is a relationship where we do everything 50/50. Yes we have our ups and downs like all relationships do and I still have days where I think I know better ;) but overall I know I have now found and created a relationship that will hopefully serve as a rolemodel for my daughter on what / how she should be treated. This isn't a brag post or a ooohhh look how good I have it because god knows I have struggled to get it but I just wanted to let you ladies know that are struggling, or wanting to get out or are being constantly trampled on that it DOES get better, there is someone out there who will treat you like a queen and it doesn't happen overnight but it does happen. Not all men are assholes who belittle you, abuse you or treat you like a maid. Don't give up the fight just yet because you do deserve better, this page has been a wealth of knowledge and support for me and I hope all of you get as much out of it as I do xx
1 Replies
Thanks for sharing and I'm very happy for you