My partner and i want to move to qld from wa but dont know what will happen with our children. I have a three year old who stays with us and sees his dad every second weekend and my partner has a 5 and 2 year old who come here the weekends we have my son so they see each other.
If we move i dont know what will happen.
Any advice please?
Oh and it is to better our lives as my partner has a crappy job here and can get a great one over there.
Has anyone been in this situation and what happened?
3 Replies
Basically you would have to
1. Get permission from both exes to take the children with you
2. Go to court to get permission to take the kids with you
3. Leave the kids behind and see them far, far less (a few times a year)
If you took the 3 year old you'd probably have to cover costs to fly him back for visits , instead of second weekend it'd be 2 week blocks and holidays. Plus you'd pay for an adult to fly to drop him and pickup.
The 5 and 2 year old would be the same in reverse. Plus you'd miss school concerts, events, etc. That's expensive to cover every three months.
I'd sort out the visitation arrangements with the parents , what would happen and who'd pay before you go any further. The big wage could work out to leave you worse off.
In a similar position! So frustrating reading all the do gooder's comments..... It's a shame so many of them have probably NEVER been in the position. It's all well and good to slam us mums who want to relocate to better the situation we are in and sure our kids come first and we come second, we could all leave our kids with the other parent to move and get work to SUPPORT OUR CHILDREN but consider for a moment why many of us are in the position to begin with. I didn't 'choose' this life for my children and I but living with the consequences of my ex's decisions! To the IM get legal advice if you can, I wish you and your family all the best and hope that you can all get to a place that works for all involved.